The innovation of inkjet printing has made it the technology of choice for leaders of the Direct Marketing industry. Not only is the print resolution superior to other machines, the streamlined workflows and ease of use make the entire printing process much more efficient than outdated toner-based equipment. After months of research, Wolverine Solutions Group was proud to be one of the first companies in North America to install the Screen TruePress 520HD. This amazing technology allows Wolverine to leverage the best of all print conditions including, high-resolution output, print speeds faster than any sheet-fed technology, and the ability to image on a wide range of coated and uncoated substrates.
With Business-Critical Communications, every document is required to be delivered as quickly as possible. The value high-speed inkjet production brings to direct mail is that it can do things that other print technologies can’t, including the ability to produce more affordable high-value personalization, short runs, and versioning. Inkjet technology can affordably deliver the customized direct mail communications that will engage your audience. Utilizing this technique enables campaigns to include completely customized text and graphics based on a recipient’s demographic characteristics or purchasing preferences. The fact is, higher levels of personalization lead to better performance of your direct mail campaign – meaning higher response rates and business results.
The innovation of high-speed inkjet printing has also expanded the role of statements and transactional documents in delivering marketing messages. Transactional messaging is a native personalized customer communication. Each bill, statement, invoice, or explanation of benefits already contains content that is completely unique to its recipient. Enhanced workflow solutions and the affordability of inkjet technology has made the use of full color almost a requirement in any bill/statement. Color has proven critical in business communications with its use increasing brand recognition and boosting response rates. By uniting customer-specific data with full-color personalized messages, bills, statements, and any other transactional document can be transformed into attention-grabbing marketing tools that reinforce branding and create a dialogue with customers to cross-sell and up-sell products and services.

We would love to hear your questions or discuss your organizations Marketing Strategy
Schedule a consultation with one of our specialists today. They are well versed in all areas of Business-Critical Communications, and can show you how to leverage our investments in hardware, software and process workflows to enhance your client outreach programs.
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